sacha lab サチャの文化研究室

日常の当たり前について考察しているブログです。Let's review our standards of daily life with this blog!



英語、スペイン語、日本語を一文ごとにならべて読みたい人むきです。対訳ではなく、意訳ですが読んでるだけで、スペイン語が上手になるかも! ***** Did you know that most Japanese think of sunflower seeds as food for hamsters and not for humans? ¿S…


英語、スペイン語、日本語で一文ごとに読んでみたい人向けです。対訳ではなく、意訳ですが、なんとな~く目を通しているうちにスペイン語になじむことができるかも! ***** Did you know that the most common way of drinking green tea in Japan is without…

Pencils for tests テストは鉛筆で

Did you know that students in Japan mainly use pencils or mechanical pencils to take notes and tests? In most japanese primary schools, students are not allowed to use anything other than pencils to take notes and tests. After elementary s…

Washing rice before cooking お米は洗ってから

Did you know that Japanese people wash rice before cooking? The Japanese way of cooking rice is to wash it before cooking to remove excess starch. Later, it left to soak for more than 30 minutes before cooking to obtain better texture. So …

ヒマワリの種はハムスターの餌 Sunflower seeds as food for hamsters

Did you know that most Japanese think of sunflower seeds as food for hamsters and not for humans? In Japan, people are not used to eating sunflower seeds. They have however, seen hamsters eating sunflower seeds on TV, in picture books, etc…

緑茶は砂糖なし Green tea without sugar

Did you know that the most common way of drinking green tea in Japan is without adding any sugar? So you shouldn’t expect to get a cup of green tea served with a spoon and sugar. You can ask the waiter of course, but people might get reall…